Notice is hereby given that the Town of Thurston will receive proposals for RFP 2025.1 Program Delivery and Grant Administration Services – Town of Thurston Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Single-Family Housing Rehabilitation Program. This document contains the necessary information and submitting your proposal for this effort.
The deadline for submitting your proposal is:
March 7th, 2025 at 4:00 PM EST
Via e-mail: btoy@stcplanning.org and thurston.supervisor@gmail.com
Questions may be submitted in writing via email to Michael Volino (thurston.supervisor@gmail.com) and Brian Toy (btoy@stcplanning.org).
The Thurston Assessors will be out and about over the next month reviewing property assessments. Their vehicle(s) will be clearly marked for identification.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Submit completed application (available by seeing the Town Clerk or under the Town Clerk section of the website), a check, and scannable photo (will be returned) to the Town Clerk. Questions can be answered by calling the Town Supervisor at 607-227-5621.
The Community Playground at the Town Hall is now open to children ages 2 -12, with adult supervision. Open dawn until dusk.
Link for the regular board meeting scheduled the 3rd Wednesday of every month unless otherwise specified.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 864 4373 8444
Passcode: 441673
To access any recorded material from the Town of Thurston please click on the button below or navigate to the "Recordings" Page.
Investigative report on sewage sludge spreading in Steuben County by Emily Kenny and Seth Voorhess .
The latest article on Thurston by Natalie Abruzzo from WSKG.
Investigative Report on sewage sludge spreading in Steuben County by Lela Nargi, a NYC Based Journalist.
The latest article on Thurston by Peter Mantius, from the Water Front
The latest article on Thurston by Michael Fitzgerald, from the Finger Lakes Times.
Town Supervisor Michael Volino talks with Frankly Speaking's Frank Acomb.
Alexandra Deryn, from WENY reports on the passage of Local Law 3 of 2023.
Nick Dubina, from WETM reports on PFAS in sewage sludge.
We love to see members of our community, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.
Today | Closed |
Michael Volino, Town Supervisor